How Sony Is Enhancing Company Culture Through Community-Based Initiatives
Companies across America recognize the value of sustainable community involvement programs. These programs enhance the culture of the company by enriching business values and driving positive change in the surrounding community.
For example, Sony has built social responsibility into its culture. Sony gives employees paid time off to take part in various community-based initiatives that are already in place.
Sony has “adopted” the entire Culver City (CA) Unified School District. In this program, Sony conducted a needs assessment for every school in the district. They then took those needs and matched them to the capabilities of their employees.
You work at Sony, and you know how to paint? Well, there is a school that could really use a beautiful mural on the gym wall to enhance the appearance of the school.
You’re handy with a hammer and nails? How about taking some railroad ties and building garden beds near the school?
You’re a master gardener? How about filling those garden beds with plants and vegetables and teaching the kids how to grow flowers and cucumbers?
You’re a wiz on the computer? How about teaching kids computer skills in an after-school program once or twice a month?
Sony encourages its employees who take part in the program to use skills they have other than the skills they use every day at work.
This turns out to be a very holistic experience for Sony employees. In effect, the company sees them as whole persons, who can build garden beds or teach a child how to garden, and not merely worker bees.
In addition, the programs enable employees to show co-workers skills, talents and passions that are not displayed at work.
A properly run community-based initiative is a win-win situation for the company, its employees and the community members who reap the benefits of the program.
Michelle Bagnato is the Founder and Chief Engagement Officer at Good Culture Consulting. Michelle helps companies create meaningful social responsibility programs for the benefit of the company, its employees and communities. She can help your company create a community engagement plan that specifically aligns with your company’s mission and budget.
To get started, call Michelle at 310–741–8036 or email her at